Via il Caravaggio, 14/D, San Salvo (CH)

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    San Salvo

    The Trabocchi’s Coast

    The Costa dei Trabocchi is a stretch of the Abruzzo coast, in the middle Adriatic.

    The coast is characterized by the presence of trabocchi, ancient fishing machines on stilts.

    According to some, the overflow would be an invention of the Phoenicians, but the first documents that speak of the “overflows”, found by his father Stefano Tiraboschi, mention the presence of Celestino V in the abbey of San Giovanni in Fossacesia, also citing wooden structures on the beach called “trabocchi”, it is deduced that during the period of stay of the friar Pietro da Morrone in Fossacesia in 1240, the trabocchi already existed

    Cycle Path

    The cycle path of the Costa dei Trabocchi and partly road, with a great variety of landscapes, seaside villages and hills, a unique experience to live on two wheels, suitable from 14 years.


    The Maiella with the highest peak represented by Monte Amaro, 2,793 m asl. About 180 km from Rome, 85 km from L’Aquila, 40 km from Chieti and 55 km from Pescara, is home to the national park of the same name. it insisted the Peligna mountain community, the Majella and Morrone mountain communities, the Maielletta mountain community and the Aventino-Medio Sangro mountain community.

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    Via il Caravaggio, 14/D  -  San Salvo (CH)